Regular Business Hours

Monday: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Tuesday – Friday: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Please note: We are currently open by appointment only during our regular business hours.  Please call or email to schedule an appointment.


Nur Shrine Center 198 South Dupont Highway, New Castle, DE


Boxborough Regency Hotel and Conference Center 242 Adams Place, Boxborough, Massachusetts

Stop by and visit us.
We  will have a large INVENTORY of U.S. & WW singles and collections for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES (40% of CV)
Bring us your collection for a FREE EVALUATION for a potential purchase or auction sale
PLUS we'll take your CONSIGNMENTS for an upcoming auction
Call/email the store so we can make arrangements for your pick-up. We are coming with a BIG truck!)