We are pleased to announce that our July sale #317 is filled with a great variety of interesting and valuable material.
The covers section is highlighted by a beautiful U.S. #2 on cover. There are many U.S. and WW cover accumulations including FDCs, topicals, special events and more. There are a number of lots featuring WWII correspondence from governments in exile, concentrations camps, internment camps and solider mail.
In our U.S. section there is a very fine #72b, the largest known multiple of #73, a scarce block of #76, #154, nice Columbian dollar values, #293 NH, E5a, J3, O70-O71, PR30 and much more! Following the single items are many U.S. collections and accumulations.
The coin section features a nice 1797 bust dollar and a very attractive 1874 $3 gold coin along with many others.
The worldwide section is just bulging with value; from single items like Queensland mint #74-78, Bechuanaland #68a (only 8 known), Canada #2 w/ cert, China 1095a, PRC 943a, 948a, France B10, Germany 102 and a host of other great accumulations and collections. Much to choose from!
Click to View Auction Listing & Submit Bids Via Stamp Auction Network
1st Session (Lot 1-408) – Friday, July 20, 2018—4:00 PM ET
2nd Session (Lot 409-613) – Friday, July 20, 2018 – 6:30 PM ET
3rd Session (Lot 614-1183) – Saturday, July 21, 2018 – 10:00 AM ET
4th Session (Lot 1184-1733) – Saturday, July 21, 2018 – 12:30 PM ET
** Phone, Email & Online Bidding Closes 1 Hour Before the Start of the Auction **